Dress Code
Dress Code at Lumberg Elementary
Clothing and dress code is an important part of education for academic and safety purposes. Students' clothing choices should always allow for easy identification by adults, and allow students a distraction-free environment for learning. Self expression is valued and fostered, however all clothing is subject to a further discussion. It is imperative that bias be checked when having a discussion surrounding this sensitive topic.
*Admin should be notified of dress code conversations for safety and accountability.
Students' clothing, with weather conditions and comfortability or personal preference in mind needs to be appropriate. Appropriate can be identified as below insert diagram.
- Content of clothing needs to be appropriate and ensure the physical or emotional safety of others. Things that may disinclude others could include; violence, gang affiliation, drugs, alcohol, sex, death, or other derogatory messages.
- Hats and hoods, with safety in mind, need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Hat Policy
Hats and hoods, with safety in mind, need to be discussed on a case-by-case basis. For security purposes, faces need to be seen at all times while on school property.
Hats, hoods, and head coverings may be worn with safety in mind. As long as individuals can be easily identified from any angle, the headwear does not impede or distract from learning, and the headwear is not offensive it may be worn.
Final decisions can be made after a conversation with staff members. Admin will weigh in for final decisions.
Accountability Measures
- Staff will enter into any conversations in a sensitive, trauma informed, inclusive conversation to seek understanding and remind students of expectations.
- Staff will allow students to make their own decisions to solve any issues surrounding dress code in their own way to ensure comfortability and meet the expectations of the school.
- Staff will include an admin to ensure safety and accountability of all parties involved.
Dress Code Guidance in Jeffco
Responsibility for student dress and appearance generally rests with individual students and their families. Students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress and appearance; however, students shall not wear clothing or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is disruptive to the educational environment. Jeffco Public Schools standards on student attire are intended to help students focus on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety.
Disciplinary action for violating the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and requiring that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building-level administrator, a family conference may be held. More serious consequences may result from repeated or serious violations.